
Access database password viewing software - access password cracking software

2024-05-17 21:44:03

  • Xiaobian recommends for you: Access password cracking software

  • Document Password Recovery Master brings you access database password cracker is a database file decryption tool, when you suddenly forget the Access password, you can use this cracker to crack it with one click, which is very convenient. Interested friends come to Document Password Recovery Master download it.

    Introduction to the Access database password cracker

    The Access database password cracker can decrypt the access database file and display the password in the password box of the program, and the decryption speed is quite fast.

    How it works:

    1. Open the file, click the open button, the open file dialog box appears, select the database file you want to decrypt in this box, after selecting the file, the file name will appear on the interface of the program.

    2. Start decryption, click the start button, the program starts to decrypt, the cracked password will appear in the password box of the program, and the version number of the database will be displayed in the version box.

    3. Copy the password, click copy, you can copy the password to the clipboard, you can also directly enter the password into the file you want to open!


    MicroSoft Access is supported in 2003 and 2007

    Convenient, user-friendly interface

    All passwords are recovered instantly

    Recover all types of passwords

    Easy to get started, no expertise is necessary

    Includes a wizard for easy setup of password recovery attacks

    You are given a choice of three attack types: Brute Force Attack, Brute Force Mask Attack, and Dictionary Attack

    Support multiple password recovery items to be processed at the same time. Several attacks (with different attack profiles) can be carried out simultaneously in a single file

    The program automatically saves the search status of the password and can be resumed after it stops or crashes

    Includes a wizard for easy setup of password recovery attacks

    Use the tutorial

    Open and download the Access password cracker, click the "Select File" button, select an Access database file with a password set, and the password will be displayed immediately, as shown in the figure:

    ACCESS database password cracking expert

    Access database password cracker

    2. In order to verify whether the cracked password is correct, open the Access database file just now, and a dialog box of "Ask for password" will pop up, as shown in the figure:

    ACCESS database password cracking expert

    3. Copy and paste the password cracked in the second step into the password box, and click the "OK" button
    to see that the database file has been opened!!

    It can be seen that the security of the Access database is very poor, and it is not suitable for use in websites, so it should be replaced by MSSQL, mysql, oracle and other databases.

    Access database password cracker

PDF decryption tool download address, the content is the same, pick a commonly used network disk and copy it to the browser to download!

Baidu network disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/150rk86KwAQpTHIv_rKA_0w?pwd=qyg6 Extraction code: qyg6

Thundercloud disk: https://pan.xunlei.com/s/VNy-97MYqtvKMGB_qEjTJ00fA1?pwd=kf3f# Extraction code: kf3f

Lan Songyun: https://xiaodongzi.lanzout.com/i71mf1yw8srg

To obtain the extraction password, please contact:  customer service to obtain it

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